Hello, I'm Dante. I am 20 (almost 21!) and I have quite a lot to tell. But who am I? Well some more fun facts about me are that I've been doing Flamenco dance for almost 12 years now. I love video games and have a passion for being creative and programming. Hopefully one day I will be great at the coding part.

I have some experience with other stuff here and there. But I also love following politics and news, and the impact it has on all of us. My biggest hero in this sense is Tim Pool, who I watch to get a lot of my news from.

I am making this news/blog/culture thing because I am very passionate about all these things. And I want to see all the paths life might make for me. Whether its doing this, learning to code, or anything that really interests me. I hope you will enjoy what I have to offer. A weird mix of politics, news, gaming culture, and perhaps other things as well, like the things I've learned on my difficult journey from the past. (Mental Health/Life Experiences)

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Dante R.A.

Dante R.A.

Some say culture is downstream from politics. Well, I'm going to write about both. From World Politics to video games and other nerd culture, all are here.