Making money with AI is about to change forever

People will soon be able to make money from ChatGPTs they create within the OpenAI ecosystem.

Dante R.A.
3 min readJan 14, 2024
Photo by Andrew Neel:

How the creator economy is coming to AI

I’m sure you see it all the time. There are plenty of scam clickbait YouTube videos and blog posts bragging about how they have made money with AI, and that you could too if only you buy their course or watch the whole video. We all know these people are full of crap. However, I’m not trying to sell you something or waste your time trying some method of monetizing AI that won’t work. I am here to report the news about how OpenAI plans to pay people who create different versions of ChatGPT.

You can read the full announcement here if you don’t believe me. But allow me to summarize what is written there.


  1. Users can now upload their own custom GPT Models if they have a subscription to the platform
  2. The platform will eventually allow users to profit from their GPTs being used.
  3. Featured GPTs every week.

Let’s go down the list and go in-depth on what each of these three new features means for the platform.

Creating your own ChatGPT



Dante R.A.

Some say culture is downstream from politics. Well, I'm going to write about both. From World Politics to video games and other nerd culture, all are here.